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Our mission is to be the UK’s leading trusted end-to-end data partner.

We look for enthusiasm, a passion to learn and take-on new opportunities –
as well as friendly, supportive and approachable people. Think you’re a good fit? We’d love to hear from you.

Project Delivery

Project Delivery

Our project delivery team work closely with our customers to help them realise their data aspirations and see their projects through to a successful outcome. Project managers work together with our customers to ensure we deliver their projects on time and to desire budget. This area of the business involves building strong relationships with our clients in addition to managing scope, resourcing and execution of projects.



Responsible for the Group’s technology strategy and implementing new systems, our technical team are the brains behind our outstanding products and services.

Our team use innovative technologies and strategies to create solutions that benefit our customers in the best way possible to reach their digital transformation goals.

Sales & Account Management

Sales & Account Management

Our sales and account management teams build the all important relationships with our clients, supporting them prior to and throughout their data projects. The team will often be out and about, working hard to identify organisations who would benefit from our tools, service and expertise. Working closely with all other departments, our sales team are essential in growing our business and delivering outcomes to clients.



Our finance team ensure the business is on track planning, forecasting and managing the financial aspects of the business. Our team help to drive the business and work closely with all departments to ensure everything is running smoothly.

Human Resources

Human Resources

Our HR department play a vital role in keeping our team happy, motivated and engaged, focusing on employee wellbeing and maintaining Egress as a favoured place to work. HR brings the team together, from arranging social gatherings or implementing staff benefits and improvements for the business.



Our marketing team are responsible for raising brand awareness for Egress. Working closely with all other departments in the business, marketing ensure support for the company’s vision and objectives are at the forefront of what we do. Marketing is also responsible for business communications, both internally and externally.