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Data Quality:

Transforming messy inputs
Creating fit-for-purpose, robust & ready data

Data quality lies at the heart of everything we do and is vital to all our customers, across healthcare and the public and private sectors. Whether looking to drive digital transformation to improve care delivery and outcomes for patients or do more with your data to discover fresh insights to drive innovation for service users, the quality of your underlying data is key.

Robust, fit-for-purpose data is essential to supporting effective, appropriate and timely decision making, which is of utmost importance when it comes to delivering the right care and services. It is fundamental to achieving the right outcomes for patients and experience for citizens. Healthcare and public sector system landscapes are prone to poor data quality owing to a multitude of legacy solutions, a lack of source system data validation, and ever-changing practices and standards. The propagation of this poor data, through migration and integration, within an ecosystem, leads to a lack of trust, added cost and resourcing for an organisation, as well as impaired decision making.

Egress has the experience and tools to support organisations in tackling this significant challenge, both during major system change programmes and for continued on-going data quality monitoring. From defining Key Performance Indicators to advice and management of on-going data quality initiatives, we can help.

Our Egress Advance toolkit, includes a proven data processing engine which transforms any source input, analyses the data and provides a validated and cleansed data set ready for interrogation or loading into a target data platform.

Egress Validate is an additional feature for healthcare, a tool which not only connects to the NHS Personal Demographics Service for NHS Numbers and validation, but goes beyond this to identify inconsistencies, duplication and referential data issues.

Our industry leading capabilities:

Flexible Services – Project-based & continuous

Once we have validated & improved data quality as part of a programme, we are typically retained to provide a continuous service to manage & maintain quality assurance on an on-going basis.

End-to-end Provision – Complete service

From validation to cleansing, de-duplication & data integrations to profiling, we offer a comprehensive service to ensure accuracy, consistency & validity of your data.

Detailed Reporting – Assess and inform

Simple, yet powerful, reporting & analytics capabilities to assess & analyse overall data quality & inform strategies to correct & improve. 

Want to know more about how Egress can support your digital transformation?