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Analyse, measure and innovate

Operational reporting to advanced analytics

Our powerful reporting tools provide simple, easy to use analysis and presentation of data to support day-to-day local and national reporting requirements. Moving beyond operational requirements, our solutions also pave the way for more advanced analytics, business intelligence and data science applications.

For Healthcare Providers

Data is the key to driving the service transformation the NHS must deliver to make better use of limited resources and improve care delivery. Not only is data vital to providing a complete picture of an individual’s health and wellbeing it can support initiatives such as virtual ward care and remote monitoring, predictive modelling and management of cohorts and populations.

To support these initiatives there is a move from traditional siloed data warehouses to federated data platforms allowing deeper analysis across previously disparate data sets. Egress has the capabilities and experience to help healthcare providers, from individual trusts to entire Integrated Care Systems, migrate to these platforms. We offer design services and strategic advice to inform the organisational change required to ensure the successful implementation of these new and emerging technologies.

For Enterprise Resource Planning

Any ERP data programme, no matter how large, small, simple or complex, requires appropriate reporting to help review, assess, analyse, monitor and manage progress. Effective reporting will also ensure requirements are met and successful outcomes are achieved. Another programme component that can be overlooked and underestimated, Egress has the experience and knowledge to deliver. Often called upon to rescue existing projects that are faltering, we provide pragmatic support, true partnership working, and specialist knowledge to ensure project outcomes are achieved on time and within budget.

Our established ERP Business Intelligence function uses an Agile methodology to define, build, test, document and deploy an organisation’s reporting needs. We review existing requirements, refine and streamline, ultimately reducing cost and risk.

Egress has owned and delivered the entire Business Intelligence reporting workstream for many public and private sector organisations, as well as large local authorities, including Lancashire County Council. Working in close collaboration with the LCC internal technical team, we were able to fully understand the current reporting catalogue and business reporting requirements, assessing which reports would be most effective to support the future business requirements.​

Our full end-to-end service supports maintenance of future reporting requirements, including amendments/enhancements to existing reports, as well as future report build, test and deployment.

Our industry leading capabilities:

Data Assessment & Strategy – Reviews into action

Detailed data catalogue analysis, experience of data structures & integration, delivers a structured plan for migration.

Streamlining – Greater efficiency & usability

Our solutions de-duplicate reports & replace multiple ones with easier to use, & simpler ,to view dashboards.

Delivery – Practical prioritisation

Our knowledge & skills mean we know which reports need to be prioritised based on key project dates & milestones, e.g., for User Acceptance Testing.

Data Confidence – Assured data quality

Efficient processing & proven data quality tools ensure data being used to deliver insights is accurate, giving true data confidence.

Data Fabric – Flexible data technologies

Our experience & capability in developing reporting; data warehouse & data lake /lakehouse solutions enables rapid application of any new data platform technology.

Data Insights – Driving digital transformation

Our expertise in data ensures the data fundamentals are right, robust & ready to drive digital aspirations – to deliver service transformation & improve outcomes.

Want to know more about how Egress can support your digital transformation?