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The Gherkin played host to a select group of digital healthcare leaders in September for the inaugural Egress Group CIO Roundtable event. Chaired by David Newey, Interim CIO at The Royal Marsden, the session discussed challenges faced and lessons learnt from his recent EPR implementation experiences at the Trust.

EPR implementations are the most significant step forward NHS Trusts can make in their digital transformation journey, but without the right foundations and strategy in place they can quickly turn into the biggest obstacle. With the beautiful London skyline as a backdrop, the event focused on how to prepare and pave the way to success for an EPR journey right through the entire lifecycle of change to life after go-live.


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The forum was held in private, encouraging open and honest discussion amongst the audience of Chief Information Officers, Chief Clinical Information Officers and Chief Technology Officers about the challenges faced, how to overcome those, and develop best practice.

Our thanks to David Newey and all of our guests who attended. Everyone’s full and frank participation contributed to a lively debate and meaningful exchange of ideas and insights.

Key discussion points and takeaways, included:

  • It’s all about the people – not the technology. But – do ensure the basic infrastructure is in place.
  • Clinical and user engagement is fundamental to success. Alongside, long-term executive buy-in.
  • Operationally led implementations work. With the support of digital teams.
  • Clinical Safety rightly rules, but workflow standardisation is not the enemy.
  • An EPR is the beginning of the digital transformation journey – not the end.
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Tonight’s been great – very candid. An opportunity to see how others have done it & avoid the common pitfalls & mistakes.

Hearing & learning from those around us is fantastic – that has made this so beneficial. Great to make that connection.

Primarily digital attendees, but focusing on how we can make it better for clinicians and improve the lives & experience of our patients.

Great forum to air concerns, aspirations & share with others. You are not alone – come along and be part of it!


Organised and hosted by Egress Group, in association with Greybridge, these sessions are part of a series of events aimed at digital healthcare leaders and their clinical colleagues. These sessions are chaired by CIO / CCIO peers and offer a trusted forum for open and honest discussions about how best to tackle the challenges an EPR system introduction or change presents.

Similar events are planned in the coming weeks, covering complementary topics, with suggestions ranging from data quality and benefits realisation. To find out more register interest below and/or follow us on LinkedIn.

A handout is also available for CIO’s about to embark on their EPR implementation programme. Contact us via the form below and let us know where you are on your journey and we will be in touch with more details.