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We were thrilled to support the ERP Today Awards and Fundraiser last month at Royal Ascot.

We had a great day getting together, celebrating the NHS and raising money for a fantastic cause. We’re delighted that our support at the day enabled 30 NHS front-line workers to attend.

The day involved us enjoying time in our Egress branded Teepee with some specially selected guests. We spent quality time as a team, whilst raising money for the NHS and having a lot of fun throughout. We took part in the tug of war, which saw Team Egress take on the NHS. Some of our team also took part in the laser clay activity, cocktail making, mini golf and courageously (or crazily) taking on the Bucking Bronco!

A great day dedicated to fundraising...the ERP Today Awards & Fundraiser 2023
Egress Group
ERP Today Laser Clay
ERP Today Tug of War 2

We work closely with healthcare providers on their complex data migration and integration projects, ensuring fit-for-purpose foundations are in place to drive their digital transformation journeys. We are always pleased to be able to support not-for-profit events which provide support and thanks to our dedicated NHS staff.

We heard from some of our team in attendance on the day:

“It was great to be spend time with the Egress team in our teepee and was a great opportunity for a team building day

Ryan Wood, Head of PMO


“The general atmosphere was great, and it was nice to spend time with colleagues and the wider IT community in such nice settings. Jo Brand and Paul Esherwood from ERP Today made great presenters with plenty of laughs.”

Andy Peden, Principal Consultant


Celebrating 2
Celebrating 3
