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Egress Group’s healthcare division has partnered with Dutch company, Founda Health, to bring their standards-based API gateway platform to the UK to help simplify how systems integrate.

The platform connects digital solutions outside of the hospital ecosystem to the clinical systems within, using FHIR-based standards and a do-it-once principle, so integrations are repeatable, safe, and efficient.

Egress partner with Founda Health to bring advanced integration platform to UK.

A standards-based, cloud-native platform… providing scalability & flexibility in seamlessly handling large volumes of data from various systems & sources.

Bi-directional integrations between the myriad of healthcare systems and digital solutions available can be notoriously complex, time-consuming, and difficult to achieve. The Founda Health Platform addresses these challenges by integrating with the numerous EPR and clinical systems in use across Integrated Care Systems (including proprietary APIs, databases, connectors, FHIR servers, and HL7v2 feeds) and transforming and exposing the data in compliance with FHIR, IHE and other recognised standards. The platform is cloud-native providing scalability and flexibility in handling large volumes of data from various sources, and supports the seamless exchange of patient demographics, clinical information, documents, referral management and appointment scheduling between systems.

To further simplify interoperability, and reduce the challenges and resources associated with traditional methods, the platform supports a do-it-once principle, with pre-built and reusable integrations. This saves time and effort for system suppliers and for healthcare providers who can benefit quickly and securely from the capabilities available, whether that’s medical device data, patient app inputs, AI powered algorithms or Natural Language Processing information.

Having supported some of the largest NHS data projects to date, Egress understands how the simplification and reusability aspects of the Founda Health Platform will bring significant benefits to trusts, and other healthcare providers, ultimately benefiting patients. Egress will offer the Founda Health platform as part of a service based on their experience of complex, multi-system NHS integration projects.

Pre-built, reusable integrations save time & effort … so healthcare providers benefit quickly & securely from the capabilities available – whether that’s medical device data, patient app inputs, AI powered algorithms or Natural Language Processing information

Andrew Meiner, Healthcare Practice Director at Egress, commented:

“Data is the key to driving the service transformation the NHS must deliver to make better use of limited resources and improve care delivery. Data is vital to providing a complete picture of an individual’s health and wellbeing, as well as support initiatives such as virtual ward care and remote monitoring. Having that data locked within proprietary systems hampers those efforts and prevents clinicians accessing and acting upon additional sources of information, which support more effective decision making. That is why we are so pleased to be partnering with Founda Health to bring their API gateway to the UK. The platform’s ease of use and simplification of complex integrations means connecting hospital systems to innovative, specialist digital solutions will be quicker and repeatable, so care providers can realise benefits sooner. “

Jan Joost Kalff, Founder and CEO at Founda Health, commented:

“We are more than thrilled to partner with Egress Group to introduce our advanced API gateway to the UK healthcare market. This collaboration will revolutionise data interoperability between healthcare systems, simplifying integration processes. All e-Health and other digital applications, such as virtual ward and remote patient monitoring solutions, can be connected to healthcare facilities via a single link on the Founda platform. This will greatly accelerate the digital transformation of the UK healthcare market. By leveraging our cutting-edge technology and Egress Group’s extensive expertise in complex NHS integration projects, we are confident that this partnership will drive positive change and unlock the full potential of technology to enhance patient care in the UK.”

The Founda Health Platform is already being used by numerous care organisations in the Netherlands, whilst its ecosystem of connected solutions and partners also extends to the US, Nordics, and the UK. Several regional providers in the Netherlands have successfully harnessed Founda’s technology to integrate third-party apps with their EPR systems, for example, automating the entire pre- and post-operative PROMS process. The platform’s built-in notification functionality facilitates seamless expansion to additional use cases, with future plans for many of these providers focusing on integrating all e-Health and other digital applications with their EPR systems.

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