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Lancashire County Council: Data Readiness, Migration, Quality & Reporting Delivered On Time

The Business Challenges

After using Oracle R12 as their Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system since 2011, the system was reaching the end of its running and taking considerable time and money to maintain. LCC needed a new more efficient, cost-effective system for the organisation. The system needed to support the whole range of business processes associated with Finance, Procurement, HR and Payroll transactions.

LCC had significant concerns about the quality of their existing data and needed a partner who they could trust to provide an independent and thorough analysis of the state and quality of their legacy data.

Addressing their Challenges

Egress were engaged to provide a quality review of the legacy data, which resulted in a clear strategy and a number of recommendations which LCC acted upon. As a result of the successful data quality project, and their demonstrable migration experience, LCC engaged Egress to lead the full end-to-end extract, transform and load of data into Oracle Fusion. Throughout the migration process, data quality was a top priority, and Egress utilised their Egress Advance toolkit to ensure that it was carefully monitored and controlled. Thanks to their experience and expertise, Egress was able to provide a smooth and efficient end-to-end migration process for LCC.

Additionally, Egress were engaged to provide their BI Reporting service to support the programme.

Lancashire County

Customer Benefits

Thanks to the Egress involvement in the LCC Fusion Project, LCC was able to successfully launch their solution and carry out their day-to-day activities using migrated data. The data migration process involved loading enhanced and cleansed data, which helped to address legacy data quality issues as part of the transition.During the December period, the first payroll runs were completed on time despite the reduced timeframe, demonstrating the effectiveness of the migration process.

The outcome

99.5% of data successfully loaded for


Worker Records




Payroll Elements

Records Loaded


Payroll Balances






Customers Invoice

1.5 million

project accounting expenditure records loaded successfully.

“The key criteria that really won [Egress] the tender process was their experience of delivering this service in other authorities, that was the key. We’re the fourth largest authority in the UK so I didn’t particularly want us to be Guinea pigs on the programme. On that basis, their ability to stick to timelines, their whole process was really good and through to the evaluation side, it just excelled.”

Lancashire Council
Natalie Reilly
Programme Director

Want to know more about how we can support your Data Migration project?