Egress Group’s Healthcare division were delighted to support the #NHSHackDay which took place in Cardiff in May this year. The free to attend event provides a fantastic opportunity for anyone with an interest in healthcare tech to have fun brainstorming quick solutions to help our wonderful NHS service providers and the people they care for.
We are passionate about supporting initiatives like this which promote accessibility to the industry and encourage collaboration and ideas from people with a diverse set of skills and experiences. No computer skills needed!
Andrew Meiner, our Healthcare Practice Director, attended and shared some of his thoughts with us:

“The group I joined explored the need for NHS organisations to have a plan for Large Language Models or LLMs (such as ChatGPT) being deployed in their organisations. Like the majority of people, I was aware of, and have used, ChatGPT, but I didn’t fully appreciate the pros and cons of deploying it in an organisation. With ChatGPT being integrated into the likes of Bing and Teams, the technology is already in the NHS and there appears to be little regulation, either at national or local level, about acceptable use.
LLMs have tremendous potential to improve processes but they come with risks as well. In our group, led by an expert in AI safety, we explored the issues around prompt engineering (which I now appreciate is a field in itself!), temperatures (how creative LLMs are with their answers), and the impact of different use cases looking through the lenses of clinical safety, information governance, and impact to the workforce. This enabled the group, which consisted of clinicians and technologists, to gain a better understanding around guidelines for recommended deployment and operational use.
I’d be very interested to hear from anyone in the NHS who uses or intends to use ChatGPT and I’d be more than happy to share the basis of the framework for an approach that the group started.”